Waggoner Insurance

How Often Should You Reexamine Your Atlanta Homeowner’s Insurance and Why?

Your Atlanta homeowner’s insurance policy is your safeguard against many of the perils that can come with owning a home. Your protection and your peace of mind are closely tied to this important policy.

See Also:  Home Insurance Atlanta

However, have you reviewed your insurance coverage lately? Here’s an overview of how often you should reexamine your homeowner’s insurance coverage and the reasons why you need this check up.

When to Reexamine Your Atlanta Homeowner’s Insurance

There are several events that should prompt an appointment with your Atlanta homeowner’s insurance agent for a review. Not scheduling this review could cost you money, upset your peace of mind, and cause many hassles and headaches down the line. Reexamine your insurance policy when you:

Additionally, if you haven’t looked over your homeowner’s insurance policy recently, you should make the time to reexamine it. Ideally, you should at least read over the policy every six to twelve months.

A once yearly appointment with your Atlanta insurance agent can help you stay on top of the changes that could affect your coverage that you may not have thought of. You can always call your agent and ask a quick question to determine if a recheck of your policy is needed.

Why You Should Reexamine Your Atlanta Homeowner’s Insurance

It may seem like a lot of work to update your insurance policy this frequently, or even to remember to look over the paperwork semi-annually, but this is an important step to ensuring you have adequate coverage.

Changes to your home, like renovations and improvements, mean that you’ll have a more valuable house. You’ll need more coverage to restore the property if a claim is needed.

Without an updated listing of the valuables inside your home, you may not be able to replace items that are stolen or damaged by fire or storms. Jewelry, electronics, and collector’s items cost more to replace, so you’ll need to increase your policy’s allowances to cover your purchases. In some instances, having multiple insurance policies or having alarm systems can lower your homeowner’s insurance rates.

A periodic reevaluation of your homeowner’s insurance in Atlanta will save you money, cover all your assets, and protect your property and possessions. Only your agent can provide the help you need to make changes to your policy. If you haven’t done so recently, now is the time to look over your coverage information and examine your policy carefully.

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