Waggoner Insurance

Auto Insurance in Atlanta

Auto Insurance in Atlanta

Auto insurance Atlanta – get the best auto insurance rates in Atlanta, Ga. at Waggoner Insurance.

Auto insurance in Atlanta isn’t easy to come by there days and you need an aggressive agent with an amazing track record working hard for you!  Everything, even auto insurance in Atlanta, has fun facts associated with it. Today, let’s break away from the drudgery of typical auto insurance information and have a little fun! After all, knowing you are covered after an Atlanta accident is fun, and saving money is fun, is it not?

Here are five interesting tidbits of trivia that you may not have known about auto insurance:

1. Auto insurance came from China. The root of today’s auto insurance started in 3,000 B.C. in China. No, there wasn’t a secret car that was invented over five thousand years ago.

Rather, Chinese merchants needed a way to “insure” their boats if someone else damaged them. Tort law was created by these merchants to prosecute and ensure repair or replacement if their boat was damaged. Both auto insurance and today’s tort laws originated in the same place thousands of years ago!

2. Auto insurance was first purchased in Ohio. In 1897, the first auto insurance policy was sold to a man to give him protection if his vehicle killed someone or damaged property. Just 10 years later, the first auto insurance company was in business.

Auto Insurance Atlanta, Ga.

People were beginning to see the importance of having their automobiles insured. By 1927, auto insurance was mandatory in Massachusetts. Today, auto insurance is required in all 50 states.

3. There are minimum amounts of coverage in Atlanta. Georgia has laws mandating the amount of auto insurance you must carry. All drivers must have $25,000 in coverage for bodily injury, $50,000 for death, and $25,000 for property damage at a minimum.

Don’t think that that minimum is enough, though. You may also have to pay court costs if you are sued for causing an accident, so ask your Atlanta agent if you have enough auto insurance. It is important to get the best—and right—insurance coverage to protect yourself.

4. Safe driving pays off for cheap auto insurance in Atlanta In the Peach State, having a good driving record will save you money. If you are over the age of 25 and have no at-fault accidents, you’ll save ten percent after taking a defensive driving course.

Cheap Auto Insurance Rates in Atlanta, Ga.

You also won’t get any points on your driver’s license if you don’t drive faster than 15 mph over the speed limit. Those points lead to higher insurance rates, so slow down, drive carefully, and save money.

5. Auto insurance in Atlanta is more expensive than in other Georgia cities. Not fun, but an important fact to consider. Because of the high rate of accidents, theft, and other vehicular hazards, auto insurance rates are typically higher within the city than in other parts of the state.

This doesn’t mean that you won’t still be able to get a great rate. It’s just a bit of trivia to store away for future reference. You Atlanta auto insurance agent can help you save all the money possible on your policy.

For Biggest Savings on Cheap Auto Insurance in Atlanta, Call Us Today @ 770-434-4000

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