Waggoner Insurance

Cobb High School Locked Down after Student Found with Gun

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Students and teachers were on high alert after a gun was discovered in a student’s possession at a high school outside of Smyrna Wednesday morning.

The AJC reports that administrators at Pebblebrook High School in Mableton called police after a student reported seeing another student with a gun. The school soon went into lock down mode as other students were kept in their first period classes with the doors locked.

Cobb County police and Cobb School District Police were called to investigate the incident. They soon arrested the student and determined that it was safe for students to resume normal activities.

During the lock down, students’ parents quickly became the most worried individuals involved, as they began receiving a flurry of calls and texts from their children with no way of knowing what was actually going on.

One parent, Alex Piercy, was even in the school’s library when the lock down happened, according to WSB.

“I was in the library. I had to stay in there for two hours, they put the school on lockdown,” he said.

At first, administrators told students that they could not change classes due to a technical problem in order to not cause a panic.

School administrators soon wrote a letter home to parents and guardians, letting them know what had taken place and assuring them that the suspect had been apprehended.

The letter, penned by Principal Travis Joshua, detailed the thorough investigation undertaken by police, including the questioning of several students and searching the grounds for a possible second suspect.

Smyrna-Patch reports that students were held in their respective classrooms through second period and were finally released during third period.

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