Waggoner Insurance

Ways to Save Money on Your Car Insurance

If you would like to save money on your car insurance in Atlanta (most people do want this), then there are several ways that you can accomplish this. First of all, if you are an experienced driver, you may qualify for a discount for a certain amount of years of driving if you have been accident free. Most insurance companies reward good and careful drivers, so if this is you, don’t be afraid to inquire what kind of a discount you are entitled to.

Some people only use their car to drive part of the way to work. If this is the case for you, then you might qualify for a substantial discount because you are not driving your car in traffic everyday. By parking your car at a park and ride (for example) or only taking your car on a few days of the week to work, you are decreasing the likelihood that you will be involved in a collision. This will definitely qualify you for a discount on your car insurance.

Do you have several vehicles in your household? If so, you may qualify for what is known as fleet insurance. This is a special type of insurance that is applicable to households where there are several vehicles insured which gives a percentage discount based on the number of cars that are insured within the same household. You can even combine discounts such as the partial to and from work driving and the fleet discount by carpooling with other family members and taking different cars through the week.

Your insurance agent will have a lot of questions for you when it comes to renewing an existing policy or creating a new one, so have all of your information handy when you start to call around for quotes. Don’t forget to ask if you qualify for certain discounts, your agent will certainly let you know about these.

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